Friday, April 22, 2011


Moringa is a herb that has properties in many part of them such as root, shell, leave, flower and pods.
picture from


Pods - cooked meals help the flue when the season change

Bark - help about carminative.

Root - help about edema and pain.

Moringa seed kernel. Use in a good cough. Fresh leaves have a mild laxative effect, calcium, vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants high. the meat in the seeds. And fresh leave on a regular basis can increase the body immunity.

picture from

I love this kind of soup so much and it helps me when I got  flue after the season change.

1 comment:

  1. Moringa plant is non-toxic according to different laboratory findings, even at high concentration. It is a nutrient-rich food additive for pregnant and lactating women.

