Friday, April 15, 2011

Lomon grass

As you know in thai food we have many kind of herbs in our dish. One of the most popular is lemon grass. It has a good smell and good taste. It give us a medicinal effect for your liver, pancreas and kidney.
But don't you know that it gives more than that.

lemon grass

Noah said in her blog about lemon grass " The most impressive properties of lemon grass is its ability to reduce your over all blood cholesterol. Lower cholesterol means good blood circulation,lower blood pressure, healthy heart and prevents the risk of many diseases such as stoke and heart attack. Many lemon grass products are being promoted as cholesterol reducer."

This is my new information about lemon grass and it's great to know because I really like  lemon grass when it's in my dish. Now I know that I can reduce my blood cholesterol by lemon grass.

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